In Memoriam: Remembering Don Welsh

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our dear friend and visionary, Don Welsh, founder of the Cactus Cities Softball League (CCSL). Don’s legacy extends far beyond the softball field – he was a quiet force, a steadfast advocate, and a beacon of camaraderie for all who stepped onto the field. As we honor Don’s legacy, we recognize him not only as the league’s founder but also as a board member, player, coach, mentor, and unwavering friend.

Cactus Cities Softball League extends deepest condolences to Don’s family, friends, and team NuTowne Pricks.

As an advocate for inclusion Don’s vision extended beyond the diamond’s chalk lines he championed inclusivity, creating a safe space where everyone could play, regardless of their background or identity. His legacy is etched in the laughter, the friendship, and the shared love of softball.

A man of few words, but countless accomplishments Don’s humility belied his remarkable impact. Over the course of 30 years (except for the brief Boston detour), he graced CCSL with his presence. From Coach to Mentor, Don guided teams through victories and defeats, sometimes with a nod of approval, other times with a wry smile. Our memories with Don blur seamlessly together like a sun-soaked afternoon game, but this one deserves clarity. Let it linger in our hearts forever

Every time we take the field as a league, you will forever be in our hearts and minds Don Welsh, you’ve rounded third and touched home plate for the final time. May the Arizona sun forever warm your memory, and may your legacy inspire generations of players to come. Rest easy, friend – your impact echoes through every crack of the bat and every cheer from the stands.

Play on, Don. Play on.